Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bitch Please

Of course we went to the midnight showing of Twilight 3 and we made a night of it. But we agreed it was the worst one. Bella looks different, and so does everyone else, in a bad way. Edward is standoffish and jacob is the opposite, not a good movie. And all those characters that we liked because they kept quiet and didn't get in the way emerged and became annoyingly integral to the plot. WHY? At one point my friend leaned over and whispered "She's so dumb, she's choosing the fairy princess over a real man," while sticking out her tongue and taunting me immaturely. At least edward doesn't like it in the ass. Taylor Lautner is so cute we know he must be gay, especially his voice and physical condition. The audience wasn't too into it very few people  were dressed up, there was also a strange gaggle of middle aged women there. In our honest opinion, Twilight 1 remains to be the best, especially since it's consistently good. SPOIL: Bella and Edward haven't fucked. Not because he's afraid of killing her, but because he's saving himself for marriage.


ilsteviewonder said...

I have never seen any of the twilight movies! lol

Anonymous said...

LMAO I never saw any of the previous ones so I didn't even know this, all I know is that Edward is more standoffish with every passing moment... Taylor's voice does bother me a bit, but I think it's the whole just coming out of puberty thing...

Ripped Nylon

MissLiv said...

Just wait til the next movie. They are married. Wink wink nudge nudge. Ha.

I actually liked this movie better, I don't like watching Bella full stop, I find her awkward and in this one I preferred Jacob because Edward was creeping me out a bit which is even more weird.

Anonymous said...

So, I've beed to the cinema to watch this movie, too (even though I'm not really a Twilight fan) and, despiter the fact that, imho, this was definitely THE BEST from all three Twilight movies, I had to admit that this was the movie where Edward was most boring and Pattison least attractive from all the three movies. I thought that retrospections were great and the scene Bella and Jacob kisssing - was simply beautiful. And audience here, in Poland, was making fun of that parts of the movie that were supposed to be most touching :)

Shayna said...

Ugh... these movies are ridiculous - but then, so are the books. I don't know which is more absurd - Edward's quasi-prudish restraint or Bella's willingness to date a man who feels he must dictate her every single move.

AsiaA said...

I've only seen the first Twilight movie (OnDemand on a lazy Sunday).

Are you telling me they NEVER have sex???

I understand that they aren't going to show it because they don't want to freak out the parents of the teens who go to see the film. But seriously????

Aww hell naw!

Orchid said...

hah what an effing good review...i heard so much (bad) review about this part that i still havent felt like watching it and disappointing myself. enjoyed what yoo wrote.

boy short said...

lol when I read this review. especially the spoilers! When you think of the boy short, think

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