It's a no. Always.
"Who says you can only wear open-toed sandals when it's warm?" -Above^
We do. While many women think that there is nothing wrong with wearing tights with open-toed shoes, we view it as one of the worst fashion offenses one can commit. But then again, you see lots of women walking around these days with visible panty-lines and bra straps showing. There used to be a time when people were concerned about good taste. They avoided fashion faux pas and tried to adhere to certain standards so that they would not look ridiculous or out of place. Unfortunately, that day has long passed. We now live in a world where it is deemed perfectly acceptable to wear white after Labor Day, vertical and horizontal stripes in the same outfit, and tights with open-toed shoes. Not only is this TACKY, but it defies the whole point of open toed shoes. However, when wearing those type of shoes you want to show of you'll be showing your feet so make sure you have a pedicure and toes that won't scare any one.
ps: we love these Rebecca Taylor Swarovski tights
Thank you - I cannot stand this look!
I don't like tights with open-toed shoes. It's ugly. So yea I'm with you on that!
Oh my gosh I totally agree! I always cringe when I see people wearing that. And even worse??? One of the girls that I work with wears socks with her flip flops. Yeah... she ACTUALLY puts her sock inbetween her toes to put the flip flops on. YUCKK!
I agree! Open toe shoes with tights looks horrible!
I am so far from fashionable that I will make no comment LMBO
I think the first picture "tight club", the tights with open toe shoes looks ok. But the rest of the pictures - not so much. I do it sometimes, but not with massively open shoes, maybe with a peeptoe only. And as long as the tights are nice and in good condition, and the outfit looks good. Ie. Summer dress, with a jacket, and tights, and open toe shoes = NO.
Those Swarovski tights are GORGEOUS!
I agree, I am vehemently against that look--and visible bra straps or VPL. Argh!
So agree with you --- as useless a concept as short sleeved sweaters/suit jackets, rompers for adults, and Uggs worn by anyone who has never snow boarded
I should be on the TLC show "What Not to Wear" in my white Keds and my ponytail....but, I would never, ever..wear tights with open toed shoes. Ever. It's just like wearing socks with sandals. ick.
I actually like it in some shoes! I've used it all the winter, mater of fact!
I absolutely LOATHE this look. To me it's like wearing socks with sandals. Wait, I think Jennifer just said that. Echo. Echo.
Get back ye fashion gestapo!
Whatever someone else is wearing is up to them as long as they feel comfortable and confident in it. Who the hell am I or anyone else to judge!?
If you don't feel confident enough to rock a look that so-called fashion gurus define to be undesirable, then that's fine, but don't knock someone else who can and will flout these "fashion rules" to be practical or comfortable.
I will wear whatever I please, within reason, upholding my personal morals and dignity... whether anyone dislikes the look is their problem, not mine.
WHO says you can't wear tights with open toes? Yet it is completely socially acceptable for women to walk round on 6 inch spikes that could potentially break their necks if they put a foot wrong, or mess up their balance for a second. Where is the logic and common sense in that?! a broken neck, fractured spine or twisted ankle is not very fashionable!
The shoes very beautiful. You can see other beautiful Designer Shoes.
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