No, it's true. They are experts at backstabbing and manipulating. As soon as start to trust them, they go cock everything up. You tell them your secrets and they spill them the second you walk away. They talk about how they secretly hate you when they're with their other friends and they take you for granted. Some friends will use you until they get what they want, use you to climb the social ladder, use you to fuck your boyfriend. Others just do it for laughs. Being a fake cunt ass bitch is just in their blood. They feed on drama. Try to turn everyone against you. It's a constant competition and you don't even realize it. Friends tear you down only to make themselves feel better. They lie to you and before you know it your strangers. They weren't worth you memories spent with them, but at least now you know to stay true to yourself, because very few people will stay true to you.
So that's why us brunch girls came up with our new favorite motto...
We don't believe in friends.
We believe in minions,
hook ups,
and each other.
true...brutally honest, but true, lol :)
Thank you for following my blog, I will follow yours now. Sweet sweet sweet! ;)
And one thing because that is sooooo funny!
In the past I wanted to use exactly the same picture for my blog header. So very good choice! :)
Wauw, that was a negative post... :/
FYI - I left you something on my blog today!
I can so relate to this post ...
Sad, but true! Also, don't you think girls do this more then boys? Just saying...
Truth be told, but yes this is probably 9/10 true. Especially among girls, I think even sometimes we compete with each other out of the pure subconscious and that's sad that it's no second nature we don't even notice it.
oh so true. i think im gonna adopt this motto for myself.
Clarina - YES Girls do do this way more than guys. In fact I don't know of any guys who act this way.... oh well, at least we get to wear cute clothes.
I think that is a fact concerning female friendship, not friends in general, and I totally agree with you, I understand your indignation, that is why I've decided to have only male friends, I may not talk to them about my PMS but they are much better to talk to and have fun, without a trace of jealousy! Kiss, your post was amazing!
God, this is so true. This past weekend, I had not one but two friends stab me in the back, together. It was pretty brutal.
T, I sort of had the same thing happen to me this past weekend. It's unfortunate it was both a male and a female. The good thing is that you find these things out about people, and you learn and then appreciate the great friends you do have.
I have a few wonderful friends that I can rely on [even if i don't rely on them, i know they're there for me]. A few is perfect for me.
i like dis blog! defo gona b a regular
here's da link 2 my new fashion blog, check it out wen u hav da chance:)
Sad but totally true... my best friend from high school found out that my SAT scores were approximately twice hers (because the sealed envelope just fell open??)...and after ragging on me/bitching about me to mutual friends at every possible opportunity on the topic (seriously never tell anyone your matter how old you are), the friendship was over :-(
On a happy note, I finally get to give you an award for being awesome:
Best post i've read in a long time! Amen Sistas!
Very true!!Been in many of these situations, but it only makes you stronger!and YES the most important thing is staying true to yourself!
Truth hurts, but it's still the truth.
Love the motto :D
Mustart x
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