Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Zero Is Not A Size"

Looks like our girl Brooke Davis has made a real impact on the world. Since she said that to her mother in the cafe, zero is no longer the sample size. 16 year old me would be so happy! This is bad for some of us, but the sample size has risen from 0 to 2 to 4 in the past few years. Sample sizes are sold as sample sales. AKA every stylish girls wet dream. Seamstresses everywhere will be so excited, but those starving in the name of fashion will be nauseated.
Hit us up with some comments on your thoughts!


Chloe said...

well, it's fine if zero is no longer the sample size. but zero IS a size, HAS to be a size, because there're girls who have to wear size zero, and putting it out of the market would be as dicriminating as putting out the biggest one.
PS: i don't know if i'd told you, but i totally love your header picture!

Benedetta M. said...

Wow your blog is really interesting and particular! I love your header's image, it's fabulous! Now I'm your follower, I hope u can follow me too;D . See u soon!Xoxo

Becca Christensen said...

I agree with the first comment. I think all girls, of all sizes should have a place in the fashion realm. I'm no size zero myself (or close) but I have size zero Momma and one of my sister and I want them to continue to be able to get fabulous bargains al la sample sale. Maybe we just need multiple sample sizes? Ha. Dream world.

livin wide said...

i used to be a 0...right after i used to be a 00. many years and college binges later and now i'm a happy size 2-4. it takes work for sure but it's about being healthy. i know you can (usually) be healthy at 0 too, so i totally think it should be a size but i get the point she's tryin to make. it's not the NORM.

Krista said...

yay i can wear a sample size! took me a while to get to size 4 but these greek hips were never gonna be a 0 or 2.

Alexa Hodge said...

Can I say just say this is my all time favorite blog!!!!!!

Mango said...

I love it! "AKA every stylish girls wet dream" - too funny

Paulina said...

That episode was so fun and cute. Too bad it sent Millie in a downward spiral.

Ella Unread said...

If sizes went from 1 onwards...no one would feel "fat" for not being a 0 size and things would be more real..right? I mean they exist, they have a size (however small it is) so it can't be zero...

Beth said...

I'm glad the fashion industry is going in the right direction. While I agree that there are definitely people who can wear a size 0 without a problem, it's the fact that the industry promotes the idea of models who are almost 6 feet and wear a size 0 that is unsettling!

And you're welcome for the introduction of Nasty Gal! <3


Rohini said...

The industry really needs to get over the whole "size zero" obsession and I am so glad that that is finally happening. Yay! :)

Anonymous said...

i didn't realize that zero really did stop being a size?! because of this show? wow that is pretty awesome/powerful!

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