In a world where a sub-par car company turns the Valentino symbol upside down as its logo, the word Chanel is underlined in red in every single typing form, and cheap suddenly means more convenient and therefore better (no matter how many asian children die per day in sweatshops) we like to be the one thing you can count on. Nothing too intresting has happened in the past week: a few parties, a new car, and a scandal or two. But we think you'll enjoy the following.....
My cousin was wearing some Tiffany's jewelry and it said T&CO and some kid asked if it said taco. True story.
Also, that new ABC family show SHITTY LITTLE LIERS or whatever was soooooo ABC family's weak attempt at Gossip Girl popularity, but we guess it's better than that thing about the "Secret Life" of a teen whore; has Molly Ringwald really come to this? We love NYC Prep to death and are praying it comes back with PC and Jessie in their little Will and Grace thing. Jessie (who's a "fat cunt" according to PC...and us) shined in the first season, at least as much as a cookie-cutter fag hag can ( fat + insecure+stupid= ideal fag hag). Watch it up!
And also, the reason for our delay is a dead Blackberry with no sign of returning. A moment of silence please.
Aw you guys never fail to crack me up, i love reading your posts!
lol! wow! yeah pretty little liars is just another show although I will watch it it seems a lil twisted though I might add.
LOL you're hilarious. T&CO is definitely not taco.
R.I.P. Blackberry
Mustart x
Rest in piece lovely little blackberry.
What is the world coming to?
I'm almost (almost!) relieved on the taco incident due to the severe over proliferation of the 'return to Tiffany & Co.' necklaces here in NJ in the early 2000s...
taco haha too cute i dont think tiffany&co would be too happy with that though :)
Anna Katrina
Pretty Little Liars was good! I loved it, but the books were better XD
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